Tag Archive: automatic trucking software

  1. Q7 Tips & Tricks – Automate Line Haul Charges with Sales Profiles

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    Automate line haul charges in Frontline Q7 trucking software using Sales Profiles.

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    Set Up Automatic Line Haul Charges

    To make it easy, there are several places you can set up the charges you want to automate. This isn’t limited to line haul charges. Set up fuel surcharge or other regularly used charges.

    There are 3 types of Sales Profiles available. You can use one, two, or all three!

    • Customer – You want charges to automate based on the billable party.
    • Equipment Class – You want charges to automate based on the class of equipment hauling the load.
    • Company – Charges are applied to all loads.

    Set up the basis of billing, an optional default rate, and add the charge to the profile using a wizard.

    Click on the clip to see a quick demo of setting up an automatic charge.

    Frontline Trucking Software Q7 set up automatic line haul charges.

    Add Automatic Charges to Loads

    When you’re ready to add charges to a load invoice, click the Profile button or use Ctrl+R on your keyboard.

    Frontline Software Q7 add automatic charges to load invoice.This saves you about 4 clicks per charge!

    Forgot a charge or have something new to add? Use a Quick Insert straight from the load to add charges to the profile.

    Frontline Software Q7 Add a Sales Profile Item straight from a load invoice.Stack other automated features like rate chart tariffs and DOE index fuel surcharge scales to fully automate your charges. Add a fuel surcharge code to a Sales Profile with a blank rate. The DOE index scale applies the rate automatically.


    Save time and clicks

    Streamlining and simplifying processes is Frontline’s focus when it comes to data entry. To learn more about Q7 trucking software and its ability to automate line haul charges and other workflow tasks, reach out to us for a complimentary demo!