Tag Archive: dispatch

  1. Q7 Tips & Tricks – Trucking Dispatch Hidden Gems Part 2

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    Mastering dispatch in enterprise trucking dispatch and accounting software can be a learning curve. The hard work pays off when you have more features and more time at your disposal for taking care of the important things. If you missed it, you can check out Part 1 of the trucking dispatch hidden gems here. In this topic, we’ll cover a few more tips that you might not know about that can skyrocket your mastery of the integrated Q7 trucking dispatch board.


    Use the Trucking Dispatch Board Filter Tool

    Frontline’s modern search bar lookup means searching for something specific in a large amount of data is a breeze. Regardless of the pre-programmed or free form Trip sorts that you have set, you can look up an active or available load by any value and return one or more loads that match the criteria. Check out the Q7 Knowledge Base for tips on using exact matches, compound searches, and how to save your searches.

    Click Here For a Clip >>

    If you are optimizing loads or active routes, sometimes the search bar isn’t enough. When you need to dig deep with compound searches, that’s where the filter tool comes in. Use one or more fields, apply date ranges, and more. Find the filter tool at the top of each section of the Dispatch Board. You can add to it just by opening it again, or clear it by clicking the tool with the middle button of your mouse.


    Run Dispatch Reports

    Are you a paper person? Or maybe you’d like to produce a report for another staff member. For example, you might have loads stacked up in advance for your drivers and equipment. At the end of the day, you need to generate a dispatch report that tells everyone which assigned loads are delivering the next day. Or, you may want to generate a report of all of the loads being held at your warehouse and when they are scheduled to be delivered.

    While there are several dedicated dispatch reports in the Reporting program of Q7, using the trucking Dispatch Board to generate reports is ideal since you can visualize the information you need right in front of you.

    In either the active routes pane or the available loads pane, use the search bar or filter to narrow down your desired results. Click the Reports button and fine tune what you want to be included.

    Frontline Q7 Trucking Software_Trucking Dispatch Reports

    Worried about seeing too much history? No problem! Just open your current days back setting and adjust it before running your report.


    View a Google Map of Dispatch Routes

    Frontline Q7 trucking dispatch software integrates with most ELD providers, which means you already have a bird’s eye view. In addition to ELD integrations, the Q7 Maps module loads your Dispatch Board into a map, giving you full visibility.

    Even though Google does not have dedicated truck routes yet, you might want to use a map in a pinch.

    Use keyboard shortcuts, or open the Google Mapping tool manually to generate a quick map.

    If you’re interested, this map can be added as a thumbnail to printed or emailed load confirmations that are given to the driver. As an alternative, the standalone map can be emailed to the driver.

    View the Google map and the route.

    If ELD units are integrated, the Google Map includes a short history of GPS coordinates along with the most recent coordinates of the resource along the route.

    Q7 Live will include unit GPS coordinates on the Google Map.

    Are you getting the most out your trucking dispatch board? With Frontline Q7 integrated trucking accounting software, practical features are everywhere. Reach out to us to learn more about dispatching in Q7!

  2. Q7 Tips & Tricks – Trucking Dispatch Hidden Gems

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    If you’ve been using Frontline’s Q7 Dispatch Board, you’re already ahead of the game. But even the best tools have some hidden gems that can make your day to day operations a little bit smoother. In this Q7 Tips post, we’re sharing a few techniques that can save you time, reduce mistakes, and streamline your entire trucking dispatch process. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started, these tips will help you unlock the full potential of the trucking Dispatch Board.

    If you like these tips, check out part 2 of this series here.


    Color Coding Trucking Dispatch Resources

    The Dispatch Board is like the command center for your operations, and it’s possible for details to get lost in the mix. That’s where color coding can come to the rescue. By assigning colors to your drivers, tractors, trailers, or carriers, you can instantly spot them like flash cards. If making your trucking software unique by giving it your own themes and colors interests you, check out our Tips on Q7 System Colors.

    While there are already many options for categorizing resources on the Dispatch Board, such as terminals or equipment classes, color coding can help for several other reasons.

    You can assign a color to a resource by right-clicking on any of their Trips on the Dispatch Board.

    Frontline Q7 Trucking Software_Set Color Trucking Dispatch

    Here’s the fun part: Pick from a variety of colors or use the custom color wheel to create your own. Some of our users like to set the same color on all resources to make the resource column stand out and give the Dispatch Board some extra pizazz. We like using this style here at Frontline because it gives everything a nice, clear look.

    Frontline Q7 Trucking Software_Color Code Single Trucking Dispatch

    Some of the Q7 trucking dispatch users have reasons to assign unique colors to individual resources or groups of resources. For example, they may not be using the terminal, equipment class, or assigned dispatcher features to filter resources, and they prefer to color code drivers based on the dispatcher who is responsible for them. Regardless of the reason, coloring each driver a unique color still provides an added productivity boost.

    Frontline Q7 Trucking Software_Color Code Trucking Dispatch

    Assigning a color to a resource doesn’t have to be done from the Dispatch Board. If the compliance or billing department is setting up a new resource, the color can be set at any time from the Setup list. This gives everyone multiple access points.

    Frontline Q7 Trucking Software_Set Color in Setup


    Use the Preview Pane

    When you’re working on the Dispatch Board, get a quick glimpse of Trips by using the preview pane. This pane is optional, so it can be opened and closed whenever you need to use it. Furthermore, it’s interactive! You can take care of several tasks in this pane including:

    • Review stop, resource, or load pay details.
    • Manually update arrival and departure dates and times.
    • Manually send 214 EDI updates.
    • Re-position resources if Trips are out of sync with reality.
    • Open current GPS details.
    • Open mobile communication history.

    Look for the thick bar on the right of your Dispatch Board. Click on it to drag it left or right, showing or hiding the preview pane. The pane displays information for the Trip you have highlighted on the left. Review information, and even confirm and edit Stop arrival and departure dates and times.

    Click Here for a Clip >>


    Live Trucking Dispatch Notes

    These notes are intended for internal use for dispatchers, rather than messaging the driver. Use ELD, driver app, or load text or email communication for that. Optimizing dispatch routes using driver and availability features has its own place on the Dispatch Board, along with an up to date view of where your resources are.

    These notes allow you to create comments, reminders, or feedback internally without interfering with other features on the trucking Dispatch Board that you are using. Use these notes sparingly and only for the most important and up front information, if possible.

    To get to the notes, right-click on a Trip and open the View Notes option. When a dispatch note exists for a resource, all dispatchers will see it flagged on their board.

    Frontline Q7 Trucking Software_Internal Trucking Dispatch Notes


    Organization and making things easy on our users is what we’re all about. Many of the features we add to the Dispatch Board are requests from existing Frontline Q7 users. When something makes their lives simpler, we listen. If you’d like to master your trucking dispatch operations, reach out to us today for a free demonstration.